Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Last Book in the World

When we look back and see all of the mistakes we've made in the past I can't help but wonder if our timelines have a tendency to repeat.  Racial issues have gone back as far as the Romans and some issues before their time.  I feel the Bible a bit suggestive for the choice of book to hold our future by recording our past.  If living in a post-apocalyptic world means re-educating and rebuilding our society to the best of our abilities, I feel it needs to have a more solid foundation of origination than a book written over 2000 years ago that is based on a single religion.  This is not to say that anything in the Bible is fiction nor reality however it is a story told only from one side.  I question daily not only religion practiced in my household but the others around me.  I've always wondered if there is only to be one all-mighty god, why are there so many?  Every race seems to have a different look on religion and some even have different gods they follow for example the greeks had hundreds that they followed who held different powers that controlled their world.  Nowadays we see that as blasphemy, "There is only one god!" Who's to say in another thousand years that the religion of Christianity will be a mere myth.  I feel that if you believe strongly enough in a religion and follow it throughout your life, that is your decision and I support it, however I do not by any means believe that it should be the foundation of a new civilization.  I feel if we learned about our past before the apocalypse, we would have a better chance of learning where it all began.  If I was given the assignment to choose one book that was to be saved from the end of our world as we know it, I would choose our History book.  The World's History book is the only source of knowledge that contain's a foundation that ensures that we never make the same mistakes we've made before and thus learning through experience of how to build a better world.

1 comment:

  1. interesting thoughts you've shared here. the book you'd choose for the foundation of a new civilization would have to be one that provides some type of moral compass for people to live by. without limitations and boundaries, people would be out of control in no time. although i'd lean more towards a sacred text, i can understand why a history book would be a good choice.
